* 12 wallball shots 9/6 kg (male target height: 3,05 meter | female target height 2,75 meter)
* 6 chest to bar pullups (intermediate: pullups)
Rest 1 minute
In WOD 1A both buddies need to finish 12 wallball shots and 6 chest to bar pullups in order to complete 1 round, so 1 round has 36 reps. Buddy 1 must finish the wallballs shots AND the (chest to bar) pullups, before buddy 2 starts with the wallball shots and finishes with the (chest to bar) pullups.
In WOD 1B you can switch rowing whenever you want, however each buddy need to row at least 100 meter of the 1500 meter.
Score for WOD 1A: rounds and reps
Score for WOD 1B: time on the running clock ( NOT the time on the rower)
Filming Standards: make sure all the equipment, including the clock and both Athletes are on the film all the time.
Filming suggestion: use wodproofapp and choose our logo when you create your film.
Wodproofapp is a free app which you can find in the AppStore and in the Google Playstore. The code for the logo is WCTD18.
1500 meter row
Note: in WOD 1A both buddies need to finish 12 wallball shots and 6 chest to bar pullups in order to complete 1 round, so 1 round has 36 reps. Buddy 1 must finish the wallballs shots AND the (chest to bar) pullups, before buddy 2 starts with the wallball shots and finishes with the (chest to bar) pullups.
In WOD 1B you can switch rowing whenever you want, however each buddy need to row at least 100 meter of the 1500 meter.
Score for WOD 1A: rounds and reps
Score for WOD 1B: time on the running clock ( NOT the time on the rower)
Filming Standards: make sure all the equipment, including the clock and both Athletes are on the film all the time.
Filming suggestion: use wodproofapp and choose our logo when you create your film.
Wodproofapp is a free app which you can find in the AppStore and in the Google Playstore. The code for the logo is WCTD18.
5 rounds for time
10 synchronised overhead squats 50/35 kg ( intermediate 40/25 kg)
10 bar facing burpees over the bar
Both buddies have to be together in the down position and together in the up position,
so they have to wait for each other.
Each buddy has to do at least one bar facing burpee over the bar, so you can switch whenever you want.
Score: time when round 5 is completed.
Filming Standards: make sure all the equipment, including the clock and both Athletes are on the film all the time.
Filming suggestion: use wodproofapp and choose our logo when you create your film.
Wodproofapp is a free app which you can find in the AppStore and in the Google Playstore. The code for the logo is WCTD18.
Alternate with your buddy!
1 Rep consists of 3 Touch and go Ground to Overhead
Choose your weight and stick with that weight during the 4 minutes.
Score: buddy 1 his/ her weight x reps plus buddy 2 his/her weight x reps.
buddy 1 used 50 kg and hit 10 x 3 TnG Ground to Overheads makes 500
buddy 2 used 40 kg and hit 12 x 3 TnG Ground to Overheads makes 480
The score is: 500+480=980
Filming Standards: make sure all the equipment, including the clock and both Athletes are on the film all the time.
Filming suggestion: use wodproofapp and choose our logo when you create your film.
Wodproofapp is a free app which you can find in the AppStore and in the Google Playstore. The code for the logo is WCTD18.