
Bodyweight Movements

Box Jumps
Every rep must begin with both feet on the floor. The rep finishes with the hips and knees fully open while in control on top of the box. You have to jump up with both feet but you are allowed to jump or to step down.

Box Steps
Every rep must begin with both feet on the floor.The rep finishes with the hips and knees fully open while in control on top of the box.You have to step up the box with two feet.You are allowed to jump off or to step off the box.

Chest to bar pullup

Full extension of the arms at the bottom, chest (under collar bone) should touch the bar at the top. Mixed grip on the bar is allowed, but chin-up grip is not allowed.

Pull Up
These are standard pull-ups. Full extension of the arms at the bottom, chin over the height of bar at the top. Mixed grip on the bar is allowed, but chin-up grip is not allowed.

Jumping pullup

For jumping pullups the bar should be set up so it is at least 6 inches above the top of the athlete’s head when the athlete is standing tall.


The athlete is the the plank position on hands and feet with the arms straight and elbows locked out.
The hips should be on shoulder height at all times and the legs fully extented.

The athlete may begin the workout seated in the rower but may not grab the handle until the call of “go.” The monitor must be set to zero at the beginning of each round. The athlete, teammate, or the judge may reset the monitor.


DB Snatch
The athlete must have the dumbell hit lockout overhead, with the arm at extension and the hand directly over the shoulder. The knees and hips must be at extension when the hand is directly over the shoulder. Don’t drop the dumbell to the ground.

Wall Ball
In the wall-ball shot, the medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a no rep.

The barbell begins on the ground and must touch the ground between each rep. The athlete’s knees and hips must be extended at the top, with the shoulders behind the bar. The athletes hands must be outside their knees.

Hang Power Clean
This is a Power Clean starting from an upright position with knees and hips extended, bringing the barbell from above the knees to the shoulders. The barbell must come up to the shoulders, with the hips and knees fully extended and the elbows in front of the bar.

Squat Clean
In this movement, the barbell goes from ground to the shoulders of the athlete while passing through a full squat position and the barbell is racked on the shoulder. The rep is finished when the athlete stands with knees and hip fully extended and the barbell in the front rack position.

Front Squat
Barbell starts on the ground. The athlete can clean the barbell to the front rack position and start the front squats from the standing position with hips and knees fully extented.
A squat clean is also allowed for the first rep to start.
The hips must go below parallel. At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the kneecap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell in control.