WCTD Q19.1
For time:
One partner is planking with hands right under shoulders and the arms kept straight, while the butt is on shoulder height.
Other buddy starts with:
3000m Row
50 Front Squats
RX 60/45kg
Intermediate 50/35kg
Scaled 40/20
100 Box Jumps 24`/20`
RX and Intermediate: box jumps
Scaled: must do box step ups ( allowed to step down or jump down)
When the buddy drops out planking, partner has to switch!
When the clocks starts counting:
1 Buddy sits on the rower with feet strapped on the rower and hands NOT on the handles while 1 Buddy is in planking position.
WCTD Q19.2
AMRAP 9 minutes
9 synchronized alternating dumbell snatches
RX 30/20kg
Intermediate 22,5/17,5kg
Scaled 17,5/12,5kg
9 synchronized chest to bar pullups
RX chest to bar pullups
Intermediate pullups
Scaled jumping pullups
(For jumping pullups the bar should be set up so it is at least 6 inches above the top of the athlete’s head when the athlete is standing tall.)
Go to our website for the Movement Standards.
WCTD Q19.3A and B (submit the scores separately)
AMRAP 15 minutes
Minute 0:00-08:00
12 synchronized deadlifts
RX 120/95kg
Int. 95/70kg
12 alternating with buddy wallball shots
same gender RX 9/6kg mixed RX 9kg male target
same gender Int 9/6kg mixed Int 9kg female target
same gender Sc 9/6kg mixed Sc 6kg female target (only 55+ use 4 kg)
The same gender athletes use their normal target height, which is male 3.05/female 2.75 m)
Your score is the reps you’ve completed when the 8 minutes are done.
This is the score for WCTD Q19.3A
Rest 1 minute
1 rep max complex:
1 Deadlift
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Squat Clean
Go alternating with your buddy.
Both buddies are allowed to use their own barbell.
The two highest scores count!
For example : 180.5 (80.5 kg for buddy 1 and 100 kg for buddy 2)
This is the score for WCTD Q19.3B